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From Land Theft To Land Back The OAS And The Onondaga Nation Land Rights Action

This panel, including Tadodaho Sidney Hill, will review the history of intentional land thefts of Onondaga and Haudenosaunee homelands from the 1780s to the 1820s; the shameful dismissal of the Onondaga’s Land Rights Action in the federal court, which was based upon the doctrine of Christian discovery and domination; and the Nation’s successful effort to accuse the U.S. of human rights violations in the OAS Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Last May, the Nation achieved a historic ruling by the Commission as the first Indigenous nation to achieve the merits stage in the Commission, which will result in a substantive ruling on the human rights failures by the U.S.

2024 OAS Event

Event Flyer


  • Tuesday,  16 April, 5:00—7:00pm
  • UN Church Center, 10th Floor Conference Room


  • Tadodaho Sid Hill
  • Joe Heath
  • Jake Edwards


American Indian Law Alliance (AILA), "From Land Theft To Land Back The OAS And The Onondaga Nation Land Rights Action," Doctrine of Discovery Project (26 March 2024), https://doctrineofdiscovery.org/blog/land-theft-landback/.

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